Business travel can be a moving experience. Indigeno is making travel matter.
When you use Indigeno Travel, you help create employment opportunities for Indigenous people in an industry that is under-represented by First Peoples; creating meaningful careers and sending employment dollars into Indigenous households. We’re much more than simply getting you from point A to point B.
Indigeno Travel is the only mission-based business travel agency in North America. We possess a unique blend of personalized service, the latest technology and the ability to customize your business travel solution to meet your needs.

We are a relationship-based, full-service business travel company. There are no call centre waiting times. When you go with Indigeno, your business travellers will have a dedicated, experienced travel advisor assigned to your account, and to each individual traveller, with direct phone, email and chat lines, making contact as simple as possible. Your dedicated advisor is further backed by a team of travel specialists, ensuring the best personalized service in the industry while training and mentoring the next generation of travel professionals.